Fifty-fifth Legislature                                            Appropriations

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1519




(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)


Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1. Arizona integrated student support grant pilot program; requirements; grants; delayed repeal

A. A three-year Arizona integrated student support grant pilot program is established in the department of education to assist public elementary and middle schools in developing and implementing integrated student support plans and participating in the pilot program. The department of education shall select six schools with an enrollment of at least four hundred pupils each, at least one of which is an elementary school, to participate in the pilot program.

B. From monies appropriated for the pilot program, the department of education shall award three-year grants to eligible schools.  A school may use monies received under this section in coordination with community-based organizations for purposes including any of the following:

1. Early childhood education.

2. Academic support, interventions and tutoring services.

3. After-school and summer school academic and enrichment programs.

4. College and career preparation and advising.

5. Family engagement, including parental involvement, parent leadership and family literacy.

6. Mentoring and youth development programs.

7. Programs to address chronic absenteeism.

8. Integrating systems from the department of education, department of health services and department of economic security to maximize resources offered to students and families to improve educational outcomes.

C. To be eligible for a grant under this section, a public elementary or middle school shall demonstrate a commitment to both:

1. Participating in the pilot program by establishing both:

(a) An integrated student support plan partnership team to function as the campus-level planning and decision-making committee that is composed of school officials and community representatives.

(b) A partnership with a community-based organization, a state agency or an education or youth services organization that has experience in developing and implementing integrated student support plans.

2. Developing and implementing a plan for sustaining the integrated student support plan beyond the end of the pilot program.

D. Grants awarded under this section may not be used for direct programs for students or families or for other activities that are not related to developing or implementing an integrated student support plan.

E. Each school that participates in the pilot program shall hire a new employee or designate an existing employee to serve as the full-time integrated student support plan coordinator for that school.

F. Before an integrated student support plan may be implemented, the plan and the application to participate in the pilot program must be approved by the school district governing board or the charter school governing body.

G. In developing or implementing the integrated student support plan, a school that participates in the pilot program may seek assistance from other integrated system schools, regional education service centers or technical assistance providers.

H. A school that is selected to participate in the pilot program shall both:

1. Hold a community meeting at least twice each year to both:

(a) Inform community stakeholders about the school's progress in implementing the plan.

(b) Seek community and parent input regarding any improvements or changes that could be made to the plan.

2. Annually report to the school district governing board or the charter school governing body regarding the school's progress in implementing the plan.

I. The department of education shall disburse the monies appropriated for the pilot program. The schools that are selected to participate in the pilot program may seek additional funding through public-private partnerships and may seek and accept gifts, grants, donations and monies from federal, state and private sources for purposes related to the pilot program.

J. This section is repealed from and after December 31, 2025.

Sec. 2. Short title

This act may be cited as the "David Bradley Schools Act"."

Amend title to conform






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